Kick start your career at Aegis
Is Data in your DNA? If you’re smart, dedicated, and passionate about empowering amazing experiences,
you could be a great fit for the Aegis team.
What our customers are saying
“Aegis Company does a great job using their skills to assist in job recruitment, but this doesn’t tell the whole story. They genuinely care about their clients and go out of their way to ensure not only a job is the right fit, but ensure the clients have the right tools and resources in place to move to that job. I will certainly use Aegis in the future – First Class service from top to bottom.”
Todd Cretacci, Global Systems Architect
“Aegis Company understands System Center Configuration Manager thoroughly and really helped me locate a job which leverages my skillset with the product. Very professional and always kept me up to date with details of what was happening through the hiring process.”
Jeremiah Abbott, SCCM Deployment Lead
“Aegis Company has been working with my company to identify, recruit and development a team to help us create a web based application. Their network of professional contacts has been invaluable and they have demonstrated prompt and detailed attention to our needs.”
Tim Richards, Northwest Supply
“Working with Aegis Company has been a pleasure. They have provided highly qualified placements for every position we have asked for. We have been extremely pleased with the results. Making an employee personnel decision can be one of the most important business decisions any hiring manager can make and starting with a quality agency like Aegis to provide highly qualified candidates makes the decisions easier. We look forward to working with Ryan and Aegis for our future staffing needs.”
Jesse Houston, Revenue Advantage